The Leadership Enigma

167: The Multigenerational Glue | Rachele Focardi

August 25, 2023 Adam Pacifico Episode 167
The Leadership Enigma
167: The Multigenerational Glue | Rachele Focardi
Show Notes

Rachele Focardi is a leading expert on the multi generational workforce, author and  LinkedIn Top Voice. One of the main questions in this episode is whether 'purpose' remains the great divide or the great connector post pandemic?
A quick guide to the Generations:
The Silent Generation: Born before 1946
Baby Boomers 1946 - 1964
Gen X: 1965 - 1980
Millennials: 1981 - 1995
Gen Z: 1996 - 2010
A leader who can harness diversity of thought and multi generational working across their workforce will see an enhanced competitive advantage. 
Rachele describes Purpose as something that is inherently owned by the younger generations who strive for change and want to experience the workplace as an enabler for positive change. We saw Millennials rise up especially after incidents such as 9/11 and the financial crisis and they drove the debate for change as they had seen their parents struggle with work being a pay check as opposed to a meaningful individual and collective sport. They also took a huge amount of criticism for this rising up and Rachele saw an opportunity to start to study these dynamics.  
Resilience is a big cause of generational conflict, the reason being a lack of understanding of the others experiences and the difference in parenting styles we were exposed to.  Cultural differences have  exacerbated these feelings and Rachele describes the differences between hardship and psychological safety. 
Rachele carried out the post pandemic workplace study and discovered that the four main ingredients for people feeling purposeful at work were
1. Helping others 
2. Making impact 
3. Growing and feeling fulfilled 
4. Being recognised and appreciated by your colleagues. 
42% of employees feel that the only way for them to feel enabled to experience purpose in their job is to change employers. 
To view a copy of the results and its impact on purpose visit:

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